
Conversation with Confucius

philipdunnart What is your take on using divination to guide life choices? Confucius My take is that divination should be used to guide the bigger decisions in one’s life. The smaller daily decisions should be made based on logic and reason. As a man of philosophy, I believe that life should be more than just …

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Conversation with Socrates

philipdunnart What is pleasure? Socrates Pleasure as I understand it, is the temporary relief of pain or tension. To be pleased is to be at ease. To experience pleasure is only temporary as we eventually return to some sort of baseline which we cannot remain at for too long, and if we overindulge, we will …

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Interview with the artist

What’s your philosophy behind the artwork? It’s always been about encouraging people to look. And that started with me. I needed to encourage myself to look more closely at things. What I discovered at a really advanced age was that a world opened up when I simply looked closer at all kinds of things, including …

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