The false self
“A morning glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.” – Walt Whitman I delight in me. I dote on me,

Oh puppy waiting for a Frisbee. Oh dreams of last night. Planning to spill lead scratches out of my pencil here. Oh talent build me

There is creation and only creation. Creation the only rule and the destruction of creation yet another creation. As erasing is part of drawing. There

I hate to break it to you, boys and girls. But none of this is real. The feelings . . they seem to be real,

Dream Scenario Movie Review
A dreamy confusion or an awakening from the nightmare society? SPOILER ALERTS The movie Dream Scenario is about the ego and the collective unconscious, two

Squirrel, owl, man and god
Why is the squirrel not named wise in the fables like the owl? He twitches and rushes. He hunts vegetable nuts to save and hoard.

Those that worship the soft morning opening triumph over the narrative of madness that gets played over and over again. Those that always see light

And if this universe, this one song, wants to know itself – wants to witness and celebrate its garden of unfolding;then what would an artist

Self making
You don’t become anything in this life – this life becomes you. The sons and daughters you birth shine back your flaws. The birds chirp

Start this day. And what is to be started? A moving across a road and into small towns. Loving forward. Loving further. Driving to get

Comedians again
All I want with sleep is to sleep better in order to wake better.To dream better in order to wake better. To energize better in

Love all wrong
And what is love? And what if we got love all wrong? What would have been wrong about the getting. To think of it as

What is the action of writing? The spilling of ink onto a page. A thought going from mind to letters. An activity of exhausting the

That word
And of course, you’re saying things back to yourself. What’s here is here. So you’re going to spread the word?What is that word, exactly?Love? But

Kill the character
And what are you afraid of?No self. Yes.Starting with no “success” or authoritative approval for the character so assiduously crafted. No relevance. As in, once

Wordless world
What is silence?What is without a word?Crows with no word, flying to an ocean with no word. The way a flag gets pushed by a

News flash
Who are you? Who means character in dream state.So that’s not what you’re after. What are you? is much more scientific.Bones, nerves, salt water blood

Play music
“Please, universal soul, practice some song, or something, through me.” – Rumi. This is always happening and you rarely know it. When you know it.

Bliss or blah or black
What is your pattern? To avoid engaging with life. What is life?Life is the propagation of seeds, and ideas, and plants, and snails, and trash,

Is freedom a thing worth chasing?Or is it a game of dig another hole to hide in? First of all, what is freedom? Part of

And you are?
Who is you? But wait. Back up. Start with a scientific example first. Gravity is true. Correct. Then go forward miles down that road and

Alienation games
If you think of the world as a world of stories – because that’s what it is – then you can see that the worst

Message in the bottle
Is any of this interesting. Maybe. But what do I know? That there’s an “in-between” world, that houses beauty, and we touch it only furtively.We

What is true.
I am a potion of chemicals, cells, muscles and bones walking around a town.I am a beaker test sending results back to who knows where.I

Traveling with bags
To see clearly from moment to momentand accept what is. And what does it mean to see clearly? To take in what you can perceive

What is urgent?
And how would I die?Why be safe?What is chance?What is bad luck but a story laid over chance?What is anything?Is there urgency here?What’s urgent? Not

To crack a thunder
How can there be any other explanation for what’s going on here other than play?There is nothing more than an inter-play of witnesses.When someone demands

Me against the rain
The rich people who paid millions to forgo life,to live in boxes with small views,who never leave their TV living roomsto see the world,who tell

What, wait, what?
And who am I?Just a character drifting through others’ dreams.What am I?Really.A pattern of thought held in a bone case.A circular waveform, round and round.Thinking

Particle pattern
And the dream marks everywhere.Balloons and jet fighters.Explosions all around.The large and small of the universe demands attention.F-22s blow weather balloons out of the sky.

Rainbow in charge
The only argument for evil or sickness or rain or deathis for it to be a backdrop for love, health, sunshine, or life.There must be

Why not?
Why not revere the sun? Why not drink the wine?Play with balls and Frisbees? Taste goose livers and reduced fruits?Why not touch a breast and

The almost full moon
And all the truth you need is a moon covered up by some clouds And the blues it surrounds itself with. And the marching

Is-ness business
What does knowledge mean? Agreement? To know is to decide with others that a thing is a thing. But what is truly known? Not much.

Absurd artist
And a sea bird says something to me. I place the fruit of the earth into my body. I drink herbs from the bushes. I

Artificial Intelligence
Death is always here. To the bird, to the spider, to the trimmed branch. To the flower. To the leaf. All intertwined with the living.Death

Vented ether
Waking slowly.And after all that, the moon is gone – casting a silhouette form around a lone pine tree. We are on the horizon. The

Coyote pups
The coyote pups cackling this morning. The big white barn owl on the hunt. Sounds like fun, playing wildlife.While I play wildlife here.Everyone just a

Further. You go further,and that means questioning the very root and basis of everything,and finding the jokes and laughing yourself silly about the nonsensical beliefs

Preaching (A loose essay)
I don’t care, and I don’t have a mind complicated enough to think that what I care about matters.That is the surrender required.Could you have

You look at me like you want something.And I doubt that it is simply sex.You want to know your self.But you think it comes through

Tootsie Roll Pop
It’s structured like an Aesop fable.Boy asks cow behind a fence.Boy asks fox on a rock with Stevie Wonder sunglasses.Boy asks turtle with old man

A stage
This is a stage to dance on.And I am armed with time today.Dali’s watch melts across my wrist.And the stars witness. And the city lights

The Menu: Plato Cave Matrix
An updated version of Plato’s cave, this movie called The Menu. Kick in the eye. Ha! It’s also a comedic take on the Last Supper.

What’s wanted from a fire? Nothing required from a fire. It takes away. Fire taking away thought. Burning presence to sell you immediate wonder. Tearing

Pigs in Zen
Your intellect will not figure out anything for you here. Your surrender will. The poems – the Bukowski “don’t try” moments – benefit from the

What time is it?
Journals full of things I didn’t do. Lists of maybes. The triumph of not being hasty. Libraries of the ideas of others that kind of

The dead
The dead say eliminate . . . get things out. Don’t contain things. The dead desire the stages of beauty only the living have. The

A small boy picked up a baseball, round as the earth. ‘Have a ball,’ someone might have said. A small boy jumped toward the hoop

The cinema
And a mystic said, ‘Brains are no place for serious thinking.’ Adherents sat in a crowded cinema – chained to their seats. Some hollered at

Ways through
It was said the only way out is through. It can be a short way or a long way. All the ways through these pages

Is the doing deliberate? Does the man have a plan? Or is doing coming through the man via the objective world? When the plan emerges

And these frames, they get jostled. And these pipes, they get clogged. And these recipes and algorithms get troubled and buggy. The mechanism is failing,

The shape and shade of things
Attempting to explore the world before the end. And that’s not a melodrama. It’s just what is for everyone. And the simplest of choices is

I am
Alan Watts said you are an aperture through which the universe sees and experiences itself. But it’s worse than that in “real life.” Actually, you

Fires and footsteps
Liking the color and shape of things, I turn off the sound to human drama. So much insistence that something is going on here that’s

Fears again
And his the fear of someone fancy. A woman beyond his reach by clever definitions of Gucci and bling. A person beneath sparkling way brighter

This frame, this animal, this director of importance demands to live. When the “I am” inside has seen enough. And the groundhog day keeps rising,

If you have a spot that needs a thought,put an image there.If you have a space that needs grace,hang a painting high.If you have a

You will not find your self in thoughts.Your self stands by and watches as your thought-of-self scampers about a room,looking for keys that are in

Arisen and dead
Is death something to be worried about?Is death to be feared?Is discomfort?Or is discomfort fear itself manifested?Alcohol gone to upset stomach.Rumination gone to headache.Overwork turned

Same shows
I see religious people, and I see a comforting agreement.I see anti-religious people, and I see political agreement.I see surfers, and I say, “How were

Thinking of the constellation charioteer and looking at it.And thinking of how J could come to a party alone becausemy fantasy is that she’s unattached

If the evidence is man and man is nature,then nature wants to see itself.The galaxies want to witness their unfoldings and destructions.Witnessing in the mirror.

Who are you?A collection of things to do?A running loop of gags?A pattern of flexing muscles? A pair of eyes tracking stars. A membrane of

Deleting files
Maybe ideas of wanting are tied to phases of life.Of youth to striving.Of middle age to pondering.Old age to surrendering.Why wouldn’t it be otherwise? But

Not that love
A kind of love that’s not the one they agree on.An erasing of thought.That kind of love.An erasing of experience.A purging of agreement. Not the

The hockey player
Ego stop, and just describe this man.The hockey player is one of the fastest on the ice.The seats in the stands are empty.There is no

Arising again.Awakening at dawn to finally clear skies and a canopy of stars.To a grouping some society long ago decided was Orion.Arising to read the

Why poison the frame?There is no way to get away from it. Even if the art is surrounded by a moat of mud – the

When I say I contain much, what am I?What is that container?That “I” is a membrane of thoughts around a lifetime of characters played carefully.A

And the woman said, “I’m nothing. I’m nobody, and I don’t do nothing.” In a nonchalant Mancunian accent she actually said that,as if it weren’t

Selling out, and in
If I own art, I don’t want to own cheap art.If I’m making art, I don’t want to create cheap art.If I’m painting a wall,

The towel rack
The girls who live in fancy housessensed trouble when the bathroom towel rack pulled off of the wall.Drywall dust scattered across cheap tiles. Oh shit,

The world is whatever game you make it up to be. You could make it about avenging a villain or an abuser. It could be

Flick in the eye
And the day started with limp thoughts. Vapid, empty, thankless thoughts. As if a universe of sparkling wonder ever cared a whit for one egotistical

What is fear but a prevention mechanism?Prevention of what?Of chance?Of development?It’s not some homily from the “just do it” crowd.Or we’d all be nuked by

Desire diet
And the man wants dandelion tea or dandelion capsules or just dandelions.Always wanting some bettering of the vessel while the vessel deteriorates.But the self improves

Bench time
A lichen and moss covered wood bench.Squirrels discarding acorn husks from above.Just out of range from being skulled.Nike the dominant shoe walking by.Rarely an Asics;

Student union piano
And a purple-haired college girl sat down at the sleek black pianoin the corner of a fancy traditional room of the EMUwith rustic oil paintings

Oregon city blocks
And the house-less, home-less, place-less, loneliness of Eugene streets bicker with themselves as the orange morning breaks.There are spoils to be divided from the student

Morning show. First light.The brain is different at dawn. There are secrets in every one of us, and they’re the same secrets.They’re the ones that

Heart work
And the woman in the park wearing scrubs heads to work.She’ll send catheter-driven blades, saws and cameras through pig and antelope hearts. What are you

Dog bolsa
Life is truly wonderful, and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit. A man in a white park maintenance truck said “hey” to

And the woman at the park disparaged football.And the men at the park bristled at the heresy.A player hating the game.But no doubt the woman

You mistake me for a believer in things.Nothing could be further from the truth.Wait.That’s wrong.All things are right next to the truth.All things now and

Paid in full
Arising again, the sky goes from a blackish dotted blue to some kind of powdered tone of navy. To cerulean with a band of dusty

An insensitive one
Everybody knows someone dying or dead. Some tear-jerker of a story they’ve put in a boxed narrative and held at arm’s length like some garbage

Color cards
What you enjoy when a cloud goes by and the sun throws pink onto everything is the fact that nothing’s going on here but oh

Current event
To remember that feeling and attitudenot rationality and logicare the currencies of the mud and flood world.

A reminder
The truth, should you care, is that nothing’s going on here.Grasp that and you can flip into the other truth that everything’s going on here.And

Lost keys
There were days when you hid your keys, when you hid your phone, when you hid your remote control.And you pretended to be frustrated with

Light you
Stare at a street lamp.Understand what a street lamp is.Are you beginning to see the light?You are that.Do you see the waves coming from the

Your image
“There are love stories, and there is obliteration into love.” – Rumi “Your desire must be disciplined, and what you want to happen in time,

And there are stories the human child should and shouldn’t know. Grimm’s fairy tales come to mind. Friday the 13th. Days of infamy – you

The sunflowers came up on schedule. A ladder climbing up from a seed. Swaying awkwardly in the morning wind. All rusty, golden, dusty and yellow.

“It is vain to skulk.” – Walt Whitman One can get the feeling that something is ending. But nothing ever ends. It only bursts out.

Many moons
At dawn today, an absurd little insect scampered south on a vinyl floor made to look like French oak. Way back when, the moon, like

Early waking
To wake early is just to be with the morning. It’s no other exercise. It’s not getting to something else sooner. It’s not some way

Dog knows
The dog only knows the noun.There’s the word squirrel, and she knows what that is.‘Coyote’ and she goes bananas.Bunny is known.But not ‘not a squirrel’

Man the switch
If you hang around long enough, you get to do lots of things.But those things are not you.He caught a fish.He slid down a snowy

Things show up for you because of the algorithm. “These are not popular headlines,” he said. “It’s obscure stuff.” “So they just show up for

And who are the bugs that get into the house? What are the parts that explain your existence? What do you want of the self?

Whitman the heretic
Cryptic can seem pretentious.That owl is hunting every night, but I see it only five times a year. I’m taken care of by generations of

A poor girl is dazzled by wealth.A rich one is bored with two thousand dollar hand bags. A painter struggles to keep the image of

Hide and seek
As an adult, you pretend you don’t know where anything is.Where are my keys?What’s my password?What is this life and where is it going? As

Good morning
And the sky births things that would be comforting in death.Death but a process from one place to another. Jets like thorns floating across with

Opposite motion
What is the process of waking up in the morning? Addition. Of adding on an alarm bell or a funky sound or a radio station.

Edge of eye sky
Everything is alive with the animating force of you. If you have access to greatness – to godlike power – and you do, you would

A baker sees the world in terms of hunger and sustaining. And scents of toasty, secure warmth. A certain delight that comes with passing risen

Must one convince the self that the world is full of wonders? Or is it just so? The dawn sky delivers awe to a man,

And the day is a process of delusion. One wakens with some clarity then layers gum onto the eyes as the hours pass. Gum from

And she said, “Journey,” like she’s on some kind of a reasoned itinerary. “This is my journey.” “How’s your journey?” And the man couldn’t help

Thou art
Sitting around with the glow of a pre-dawn street lamp – one notices what it is. Of course, it’s energy from the sun re-routed through

And everyone says, “I don’t do drama.” But if they’re players in the game, they have to. Drama is the currency and the purpose of

TV channel
A big, burly pine tree grows too high for the neighborhood association. Someone on the road above prefers their view of below has no obstructions

Thoughts are things, and things are thoughts, and you, my friend are stuck in a thing pattern. . . a thought pattern. And there is

Video game
“And let’s say the game you play is a metaphor for life.” His son dropped the game controller at age 17 and stared back at

Preaching (A loose essay)
I don’t care, and I don’t have a mind complicated enough to think that what I care about matters. That is the surrender required. Could

To see clearly. And to know your own story of love. However improbable that could be. To notice what you missed 10,000 times. The kestrel

Bird cloud
Who knows what they’ve been named, but the way they jump through the bush and clean it of berries is sublime. Whistles and a chatter

If there’s no more wonder, then there are no more poems. And what is wonder but a simple curiosity? With a splash of something else

Rocket ship
She said, “The age of ambition is coming to a close.” For her, it might be the end of wanting a baby. The end of

You are not granted any safety. None at birth, none in life, and none at death. And what is safety but a deception by the

Sea king
How to recapture a spirit of insanity? Further. How much further could you take this? Past shuddering sage leaves in a container garden. How to

The sin
What is it to play the game well? At the root, not to violate the law. The law? To commit the sin of boredom. Whatever’s

She smudged the room with a burning, smoking smudger thing. A bad juju might leave the premises. And what better game to play? It’s no

If you’re in an argument with life – what would it be about and why? What’s the reason here? Why reason? Is there such a

Is there really anything to figure out but the gurgling sound of a song bird? Knowing that a certain chipmunk makes a similar alarm-bell ring.

This character’s a walking TV show for the others. To the extent he hits lines, crafts dramas, provides mystery and resolves dilemmas, he’s successful. Few

Curved lines
And she said, “Talk in straight lines,” as guidance to the conversation.He was playing with words, as usual, but saying things no less direct than

Light on black
You’re about to experience one of life’s cherished lessons. Those around you die. And, by extension, you die. Yes, the end of intricately confabulated stories

Arcade machine
Oh morning, oh fungus rising, oh leaned over poppies, oh gears of the biker heading down the hill. Teach me about living now. How to

Over and over
A human staring down a ruse of permanence in a world that’s actually doing slow-motion impermanence. The snail dead today rises anew tomorrow. Obituaries fill

And the couples assemble because they agree about lies. Or, they fall into sex, then they justify further by agreeing on narratives – stories they’ve

Laser strike
The hummingbird sounds off like some kind of pressing laser gunfight. Crows make a beeline in the sky for garbage somewhere. Micro mist drops place

The death side of death
From something to nothing.There’s the hard part.All this to _________________.Flat line, unknown.Unknowable.Knowledge not even a factor.The holy ghost in reverse.No action.Take away.No action.No.Something not even

The life side of death
Look, look, look. What is all this? Why does the dog sniff? What is the law of the land? The lawn pushes upward to light,

Stop making sense
I can easily tell embarrassing and mortifying stories about my former selves because those characters are not me. They’re interesting roles in a book of

Take away
Take away. Take away. Take away. As the day takes away, it goes from morning fog to thick marine layer to bright burn off. From

Star brights
“Only what proves itself to every man and woman is so. Only what nobody denies is so.”– Walt Whitman So little is truth.So much is

Miracle now
The problem with thinking is that 99.7% of it is not true. And there’s a certain delight to an argument in your mind, but it’s

A hummingbird hovered over the grown-out lawn. Early morning. Sun crested the hill. No breeze. The down draft of its wings pushed long leaves of

Love story
It’s possible, but improbable, that a bird has a song of hope. Only a fool would put that kind of emotion onto a nerve bulbed

Stumble or dance
And I changed shorts in the bedroom closet. Dumb, pulling clingy fabric over grippy running shoes. I stumbled and goofed. Everything’s a trap. You either

To change the story you’re telling is to change the life you’re living. Bukowski tells of women, hard-ons and boozing. Waiting out the clock, taking

Sensation of disconnect
If you are the sum of your senses, then you are green – the dominant color of this particular spot. You are a thick gray-white

And there’s usually not much of anything going on. The people are pushed and pulled around town, around freeways, through airports based on stories they’ve

I am a god mission. I want to own the night and the dawn and the coyote hours. The purple sky along the black horizon.

Am I separate from these pages? I feel them as me. Ha! Pencil lead to paper. Follow the lines. Practice the way we think in

Why is this bunch of nerves sampling this world? Am I a planet probe? Am I reporting back to something else? What’s to report? I

A subtle fear
There are meanings in numbers, like the code you choose for your combo lock. There are meanings in the lines on your hand and the

Thanksgiving in spring
Death is on the line. It could be incredibly painful, like a birth.It could be soft and slow, like a lifelong distraction.The fact that it’s

The girl with the bow on her head lecturing other toddlers about the importance of squirrels. The woman in technology-designed shoes, shorts and tank-top pumping

The anti-script
Roads less traveled . . . You could just as easily forgo the script and think yourself a maverick by deciding not to have children

Not poems
These are not poems. They are a peeling of a personal onion. It’s not art, it’s an elimination game. Looking under each level to find

Get used to it
You are the assembler of your experience. Fear alone keeps you from scenes of beauty. Fear of insignificance, like when the dog denied you her

Away it goes
What are the agreements? We all get up and exercise. We have pets on leashes. We marvel at nature miracles as if they’re rarely under

The pond (alt: You could)
And you could, at the behest of a guru, wait for the pond to clear, for the mud to settle and the surface to stretch

The character
If I’m a dreamer, have I dreamed this into being?A mudslinger.A baseball player.A quarterback.A genius at a desk, pushing eraser flotsam across a vinyl ocean.A

What is further?Further than where? Nowhere is further than here.Hey, there’s a doozie. Nowhere is definitely further than here.But, there’s certainly nothing further than what’s

Yes, sitting near a fire and telling half-truths. Yes, hands across a body. Yes, pulling words from thin air only to send them back. Yes,

So many cameras
And why do you reckon there are so many cameras proliferating? It’s certainly not for the narcs. So many symbols for eyes. So many replications

Why not act out a wonderful, simple play . . . right here on earth . . . for the gods in the front rows

Peach seem
And I want to be kissed by the creature inside me. Knowing she’s death.Knowing she’s written on my recipe. I want my tongue to go

[Null set]
Maybe there are no words for this.Maybe just paintbrush strokesand confetti wilderness. I am the inheritor of you. The breast wider than an athletic build.

That breeze
And what are you? Look at your hands. You’re dying. Your shell is cracking and thinning. The purple return vessels are coming to the surface,

Deathbed notice, To get juice from every minute. Made into an obsession. Paying excruciating 😉 attention and to never be folded into the game of

The ears
What happens between your ears, boy, is more real than anything out here. “Habit yourself to the dazzle of the light,” said Whitman. Out here

I fiddle with words as the craftsman across the street builds a nicer interior for the ego of another.He measures, saws and binds.I do something

Creation is not only what the world wants;It’s what you want.You nurse a pathetic orchid just to see it bloom once more.You write words down,

Trash day
And what could I take away to be a more simple character?Ideas from the past.Things from the garage.Images of used up meaning.Clothing that says unsure

And it wants so badly to go on. The evidence is everywhere.Spring bursts forth.The walking man looks for evidence of life.The grasses push up below

And when
And I have a strange optimism when I read my own words. And when I see my own flowers pop up from the soil. And

Death to this pencil, right?
Books and books of sprouted thoughts, screenplay starts, sketches turned paintings . . . Does anyone think it’s real? Certainly not me. I can smell

As if to couple,it would be my job to overwhelm you with a washing worship of sorts.Not a job as in work but a job

Coffee breathe
There’s a smell of last night’s fire in the room. A skin forms on the top of hot coffee, and it flexes with twitching geometric

The sky
Seems like it’s always about the sky. The sky above and the sky within.The one within is an area that doesn’t know words.A space free

Greatest game
I am the sum of time forever.I am the sum of none of it.I am only a starving witness.I am alien to Earth. Was I

Feels fine
What’s to report back to the gods? The experiment is failing. The ants have abandoned the hill and decided to smoke weed away from prying

Reporting on 0
They’re doing what they do. Fretting about the prices of things. Their worth and the cost of things coming and going, as if they had

To understand desire,you need to come to terms with the galaxy under your nose.All is here.When you do that, you understand truth.By understanding truth you

Am not
What am I not?I am not a narrative. I am a constantly appearing thing.An experiencing thing – within moments, I gather up what they are

Dreaming of a woman’s touch that has no webs attached.Loving every scene found.The home made into a fantasy. Feeling the absurdity with an oddball urgency.You

What’s really going on? You’re hurtling toward death. Death of the organism. Your family is dying. Your home is disintegrating. Your planet is ending. All

Find the worm
Live up the illusory dance, even though it’s known as fake. Nothing is more important or less important than anything else, so there’s no way

Walt Whitman
He walked through battlefields and deathly triage outposts Fascinating on the beauty of the redness of blood exiting the living. Draining in transition to death.

Pencil smell
An upside-down four-limbed octopus, I am. Nerve ganglion creature of an alien planet. Planet alien to who but me. And why? To giggle and be

Does a dried leaf surrender to gravity? Does a man actually rage against the dying of the light? Does the stream’s water surrender to new

Sleight of hand
Why does the will keep going? What is the game it’s programmed to play? What needs to move forward in time? If time is a

Self letter
What starts with me? What ends? Enthusiasm. Going. Making sense. Absurd laugh. A shell of being trouncing across a planet. A hedonist. Chocolate, wine and

Staged perfection
The scene changed from dull to wild color circus. It was as much us crafting the scene as a god peering down. Possible it took

Oceanfront property
A dirty, sewage-punctuated road to the left running straight to a beach called little closeout. A term devised to keep other surfers away. A lie

Nothing to solve
Interested in what’s going on here . . . But it appears not much. The noise of a dryer looping some clothing. A toe torn

If death is on the table – a skull awaiting eternity – is there truly urgency? If so, what is urgent?

Intelligence inside
Intelligence, data, information and what’s it all for? Why did it become the collective obsession? The moon sinks down into the horizon anyway. The ants

So quickly what was once a kitchen preparation headed for a mouth becomes a taboo piece of disgust within a trash can. How can it

Don’t try, said Bukowski
No hall of fame for first world guys who worked with mania and tried their hardest. May as well believe in heaven or that money

What is an animal? Animal is what you are minus this animating chatter. The inner nag of language and voice. Were you born when you

Like a sane soldier, I await a death with a master’s curiosity. Awake. Alive. Availing.

The lamp
How much of the lamp is the light? The post The reflector The element The filament The glass The aurora The halo spikes beyond the

Punching goddess
Describing things I think are real. Bright eyes. Orange and blue sky crossed slowly by gray, lumbering low clouds. Dog smell, wet from the harbor.

Small truths
I’ve seen the owl. I’ve seen the bobcat. And they don’t believe me. Miracles of nature in their midst, and they deny it. Nothing so

Ape fire
Reality is a story. That’s all. And the story unliked is the one where achievements go for naught. Life was futile, and here come all

Eating whale steak by the light of a whale oil lamp. Eating sirloin with an ox bone knife. Consuming something with the thing itself. Feeding

Nobody knows where words come from, or strokes of a paint brush. The why – because. The where – who knows. Please remember me, says

Who on earth
And who do you think you are? I am. That’s the start. The lights are on. I’m behind the eyes, awake as awake can be.

Trust no thought
“Truth” happens when bunches of people get into agreement with one another. They huddle and nod yes, yes, yes, As the storm that kills all

Sweet parts
The women with sweet parts come down the hill. And the only danger for a man is loss. But even with that, more comes and

The curious case of John McAfee (Part 1)
A man comes across a computer virus, something called the Brain Computer Virus. It terrifies him. This virus breaks a constructed biological system – a

What kind of drama?
Rings of silver, white, gray and black jiggle in the lighted still-life water glass. A splash of blue, a dash of yellow. Track lighting from

A distant memory. A childhood sound. Na, na, na, na, na, na . . . But not a fun one. An endless, jibbering echo of

Empty canvas
You found another blank slate, A clean canvas, A small but giant place for a story starting now. For God sakes, don’t bring yesterday’s story

Rise up like bread dough, not like a revolutionary. Something inside pumping life into a package of skin. Dreams from the night before coded into

For the awake, two patterns matter – what you notice and what you paste onto what you notice. And the pasting on is often how

Lightning strikes over parked sea boat masts, Dividing the sky into puzzle pieces. A hasty wind turns the harbor top into scales of a fish.

To dream something into being, to imagine it. Would it start with you? How could it? You are not start. You are a hash on

Oh science master. Oh quivering mercury. Oh liquid Earth. Assistant of twisted car wreck metals and forever bunnies. Thank you for moving the set pieces

No such thing as confidence. Unless you have confidence in that fact, there’s a thing. A trust in oneself, a humble trust that the self

My time
Every one of us walking in the park sees it as my time. And everyone is right, no matter how bitchy they become about it.

I conjure and am conjured. My hands unleash the smallest and most medium-sized truths I know. The mind allows them through. The character plays with

Dog walking
They gather to walk dogs. But the dogs would rather wrestle and chase. Neutered animals still desiring to play act at the game of “something’s

Open book
I’m an open book, he says. But his book is full of coded poems, only open for the thinking.

In the biological outer world, we’re all out here, playing in the gully because of sex. That’s it. A game that wants to be rebooted

Lonely one
Once the story stops, the lonely days cease. A narrative clipped. Evidence ground away by pulling back to see what actually is. Grinding to dust

Who are you, J?
And who do you think you are, J? Acceptable answers would have been: God, the watcher, or ‘not J.’ All the other stuff – the

Shine moments
The beauty of the dump. The brightness on a patch of water. A tree in the eye of a dog. You looking at you in

Two eyes
Two eyes to see the world. One with what is. And one with what isn’t. One direct. And one with a reflection. One with nature,

No retreat
And you retreated a bit. But where did you retreat to? A few books. An easy surf spot. Courts for playing ball. The single life

Meat puppet
“What if I’m just a character in a play called your life?” he asks a friend. And he wakes with a playground in front of

A beautiful woman with a golden heart and enthusiasm for days calls to talk about her wonderful life. What a brilliant window of time to

Fleeting fear
And sometimes a fear – fear that this drift of a life cheats the world of something. Absurd. Plenty of us live and die, contributing

A mini-course in the freedom of a death march
You don’t get more. You get less. There’s no extra sparkly here or toys or special flavors. There’s taking away, losing, and less. There’s stripping

Sunlight on the wakeup side of a Japanese maple. Snail craning neck sideways. Faith birdhouse waiting for some new homeowner. Dew drips down from maple

My expired war
I had my war. I laid down at gunpoint too many times. I sampled fear and turned fearless in one day. I took a ride

Headmaster ritual
I’m nowhere you can’t be or haven’t been. The settings and scenes don’t change much. You just keep getting pestered by the things that show

We’re all rodents here, with plenty of food. Illusions of lack abound. The only task is to widen the eyes and see what’s really going

Always here
Nightshade on the hill. In my life. A stipe of dripping glaze on pottery. A reaching pine that pretends to bow down. A handful of

Those who mask
And the jester knows not how he jests or if he jests. He’s clad with shiny ideas – a fist full of data and facts,

Music awake
An arrival like a note in the street. Like a worm born of dirt. Like a mermaid. My own personal Buddha. A gem in the

Surrender Pattern
A young boy of maybe six years cries then laughs then throws a stick my way. He grabs it near my chair then throws it

Rooms in the mansion
Dream about renting out rooms in my mansion. I am, and the lights are on. Consciousness, that’s all. Nothing more to it. No goo-ruuu nonsense

When you paddle into a big wave, you’re committed. When you enter into the asylum, you’re committed. The physical push yields a return of energy

By what brighter star?
Oil on concrete. Water on the oil. Color on the ground. By what brighter star might you navigate? You want your self to understand. Who

The color yellow says something bright. Something so different than the others. The sky behind comes through thick tropical clouds. A dawn noticed. One day’s

Funny man
It’s 14 years from now and the dog died today, or was it yesterday? The stunning thing is how absolutely none of this matters. The

Nothing for Everything
People as frauds. The Catcher in the Rye phonies prance the surface. And I put on a costume or two. The Stranger. Caufield. K. Z.

The quantified self
Every little smart watch check says ‘who am I?’ How many steps becomes the person? Every analog watch check says ‘time to death?’ The count

Senseless chatter
And hello to Joyce, chooser of sounds, and to a simpler Hemingway post shotgun blast. Why music artists sing la la la la la la

You fool
The world is always this bright. The colors are always there. Clouds or no clouds. Wind or none. Can you write a softer symphony? Paint

Saucy threesome
And the most absurd of things. . . She pretends to broker bits of the Earth, as if she could receive money for trading the

Fear coach
“What are you afraid of?” he asks her. She doesn’t know but will say something like spiders or social ostracism. And he relents. “Obscurity.” “But

That space
Would you trade nothing for everything? What is really yours? Say truth now. Past and future? Those were never yours. A chattering mind? That’s a

Dreaming of the dreamer
Died last night. The day was gone. Little things done will come back a little bigger tomorrow. How to explain to J or L that

Clearly babble
World doing utter nonsense. Doublespeak. Gobbelty-gook. Mary Poppins-Tweedle-Dum-upsidedown-babble. Name anything people care about, and it will be useless drivel. What’s so important? What’s your flavor

Why on Earth is it so important to do something here? Who says so? What’s important to do? Who defines important? If one were to

None of us are well. And it stems from this stark reality of our dispositions. Our denial. We have two facts surrounding us from all

A day in June
It doesn’t lament the work it took to deliver. A hawk just brings a mouse. A writer writes. A painter paints. A poet poems. Kids

Sameness birthed
What could be changed in a moment to create a radically different person at a later date? What turn now could lead to destination unknown?

Bones below
Four child hawks and one mother. The mouse feeds them and my dog finds the tiny bones below. Treats for one looking in low places.

Remembering the dead and measuring time in the stiffness of blueberries. He that is always love, like Rumi’s little stories, blooms again with a gardener

Metaphor for
Down in the Earth, slaves settle into mercy’s tomb Their conducting rope reaches up to the top crust What did they sacrifice? Jesus Christ, a

Know nothings
What is faith but a mere settling into what is? Wherever you stop is perfect. Whatever you do is perfect. This is infinite, so mistakes

Futile dandelion
Fear. Fear of insignificance. Fear of irrelevance. Fear of FUTILITY. So what. Thank you, Miles Davis. Onwards. Does the dandelion think its activity is futile?

What is
What is a mate? A cell mate? A choice of commitment for the long haul? There is no long haul. A mate is a choice

You look
The world is your mirror, Miss H. You found someone different because you are someone different. Is there something special about me? Wrong question. There

Why weary, and palsy arm at the oar? (Melville) Broken pattern and white whale seen. Avenging life with unity. On the path repeated, surrounded by

Television on fire
Ah, to sit slack-jawed, studying the hours unasked for. Pushing logic onto illogic. Knowing it’s more fun without the thinking. Why even put pen to

Quiet on the set
If the scene is nothing, and the production crew is no one, then hire the director, actor, writer, lighting team and cinematographer. Demand action and

If infinity
If infinitywould quickly devour me I’d see the sun had been turned outand moon plunged into sea All tales eradicatedAll evidence annihilated The toads and

This poem held up as a desire to be involved in something completely ridiculous. Dress me up in jester clothes. Plaster on the decades. Only

Dog show
This play dream world is the mirror. Bitching truth with every little symbol and image. Irony all around mocks and steers to a truth. To

Fake war
Gloves off. Saw them on the road. Philos character puttering and muttering. Dissolving by the roadside while hitting the marks. Being the soaring tail eagle

Self sea
See self again. Re-thinking pattern, order, perfection. See again. All he’s been doing for decades is seeing self again. Then it’s stuffed away as the

Damn you, Tom Hanks
Joe vs. the Volcano Cast Away The Terminal Ha, ha, ha. Jaw on floor with the idea that the cast is away. Never thought about

Diabolic Fool
Clutching time like a branded fool, I walk a line in a crowded school. But one day I came to Mary, with one idea so

Into the lawful
Soaring into the living once more. Into the lawful. A dazzling wonder materializes before my eyes. A lovely face and frame prances through my text

Sitting, blasted with Walt Whitman
Dear God – placed here on a worn teak chair, blasted with the morning sun. A phrase foisted on my eyes: “Long enough have you

Into the looking glass went your eyes. And there you were again. Like the worm in your pocket after you stomped the Jerusalem beetle. You

Oh Philos, you dug so industriously, like an ingenious prisoner with a spoon sneaked from the mess hall. Tunneling and pushing out past trails and

And oh the silly battlefield of days before. An hour floating in a puddle of magnesium water. Breathwork and mind stilling in a chair called

Nothing more
I am nothing more, nothing less. Just a ray of light looking into a dirty, pulsing goofball play. At a shit-stained stage with second-rate actors.

Almost yellow
Take your time. Take your fortune. A green that’s almost yellow. Sprawling nightshade leaves on a hillside. Purple horns blaring bird chirps past humming bees.

Burn the day
What would I tell you, Philos, from just at the cusp of the grave? You tried too hard. You thought the other actors cared about

Yo Adrian. Rocky.
“It feels like a party every day. Hey Jesse!” said the college boy. I can and do manipulate my emotions at will. When I let

Moonset kingdom
He says he doesn’t like pines because the pollens give him allergies. The lines on the road here look like birthday candles, and there is

Flit fly
Change, change, change. Delta gate two. Fat man in surgery mask parks nearby. Nerves straight into the skull via the teeth. Who would like a

The beheading
https://youtu.be/iu5YhEhB8w4 And the calliope crashed to the ground. Curbside delivery. Asking the morning sounds for a hint of what’s to come. A meteor shower blocked

Lights one way (part 2)
So what is the opposite of this death thing? A dream? The lights on. Arising. Awakening. Understanding a pack of lies then knowing they’re lies.

Death one way (part 1)
How far away is death? So near. Death is the stopping of the heart, the ceasing of the brain. The stillness of the fluids and

Whipping flame
The sounds of whipping flame in the morning breeze.
Car tires hum across the street above.
The chime of the harbor mouth bell buoy

Running out the clock
The puppy fails to grow fast enough for perception.
Tik tok.
The joke of all jokes – an app that burns life into insignificant ashes is named for the old devil who murders the moments.

To the vet
And the veterinarian loved animals, so she played the part.
And I loved words and signed up for that one.
“But I’ve lost the words to find righteousness in thought, ” I said.

Doublespeak unbeliever
No belief is true. No. Belief. Is. True. Even this one.

Hey you!
You are everywhere at once.
You are as far as I can imagine.
Co-create the imagining, but don’t force it. Let it come. Your circumstance is ideal.
Your dying days are paradise.

Black dog on sunrise morning
A big black dog greets me at my door. And I see a beautiful blonde woman in the light. And a fingernail moon, and the

Bank shots from 180 feet away
No matter what I do, it keeps throwing life at me. The Jerusalem beetle got stomped out, and then in my pocket was a young,