Diabolic Fool

Clutching time like a branded fool,
I walk a line in a crowded school.

But one day I came to Mary,
with one idea so clean and wary.

She took its gist and pumped it up,
then spit it back into my cup.

Oh stop me diabolic fool.
I’ve come to play no tricks for you.
Father time rule til I drool.

Then Mary left and I was lone.
A dizzy dog without a bone.

The next day I was wide awake,
a dazzled man of quite a rake.

The memory of a woman gone,
led me to another spawn.

I’ll watch and learn then return to cool.
. . . . return to school.
. . . . return to fool.
. . . . return to drool.

And in the end it looked to me
like a grand assembled tree.

The branches came from only me.
The leaves they left to set me free.

Coming back again, game on and on.
From fall to winter summer gone.

I’ve come to rest before your rule.