
The shape and shade of things

Attempting to explore the world before the end. And that’s not a melodrama. It’s just what is for everyone. And the simplest of choices is a telling about what’s explored. Is it a lie or a truth? The lies are what came fast this morning. The narratives and the explanations to no one. Mind chatter …

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I am

Alan Watts said you are an aperture through which the universe sees and experiences itself. But it’s worse than that in “real life.” Actually, you are an actor playing a character in a dream play defined by you and whatever agreement you can cobble together with the NPCs. And that agreement is the basis for …

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Fires and footsteps

Liking the color and shape of things, I turn off the sound to human drama. So much insistence that something is going on here that’s not. Imaginary contests. Positioning of urgent ideas, and solutions to problems that may not exist. A panic to do SOMETHING! while these damn lights are on. Perform for the master …

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Fears again

And his the fear of someone fancy. A woman beyond his reach by clever definitions of Gucci and bling. A person beneath sparkling way brighter than the quality handbag. And what is that fear? A dread of financial leverage over the soul. A boss based on status. The controller and master. A power outside of …

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This frame, this animal, this director of importance demands to live. When the “I am” inside has seen enough. And the groundhog day keeps rising, showing change subtle enough to dazzle the viewer and bring the two entities together.