

If you have a spot that needs a thought,put an image there.If you have a space that needs grace,hang a painting high.If you have a tome that needs a home,by all means type it up. Yet if you require a large desire to obliterate the scene,Bring yourself to see your face,And erase the entire scheme.


You will not find your self in thoughts.Your self stands by and watches as your thought-of-self scampers about a room,looking for keys that are in its pocket.

Arisen and dead

Is death something to be worried about?Is death to be feared?Is discomfort?Or is discomfort fear itself manifested?Alcohol gone to upset stomach.Rumination gone to headache.Overwork turned to aching knees. Are beliefs held for a long time the same as lies?Do beliefs held and dropped act the same way?Are they smaller, larger or insignificant?As if a truth …

Arisen and dead Read More »

Same shows

I see religious people, and I see a comforting agreement.I see anti-religious people, and I see political agreement.I see surfers, and I say, “How were the waves?”And one of those floating surfers asked me, “What’s really going on here?”And I thought, well, two things.You are, and you will not be.That’s all you ever really know.The …

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Thinking of the constellation charioteer and looking at it.And thinking of how J could come to a party alone becausemy fantasy is that she’s unattached and a possibility. I’m the imagineer of my world after all.She has her world and I have mine, andmine becomes what it is in my head. And before that I …

Hoot Read More »