The scene changed from dull to wild color circus.
It was as much us crafting the scene as a god peering down.
Possible it took decades in its creation.
Pre-teen grommet kids bobbing in the lineup.
Tearing trails of brilliant white foam into slanted layers of aqua.
Verdant hills and avocado-green hotel behind.
Dusty golden brown hills in the depth.
Plum-toned verticals further back.
Sunset light on gray rock way back.
A rainbow torn through this façade.
Red glow and fire orange slashed with yellow sun, white behind.
Stuck between on a 3D stage.
360 degrees un-reproducible.
A left surfed to the tide pools.
Fishermen casting nearby.
A right surfed to the curving bay.
Bob Marley covers blasting from the thatched-grass surf hut club.
Six-piece band – trumpet, sax, guitar, bass, drum and flute – crushing the tunes.
Sound on the water, like that day in 1992 Rosarito.
A coronation, family wedding, all in one time-warp.
The sun ducks below the horizon.
A lone bikini woman plows out through the whitewash.
Light from the ending blast dazzles the top edge of the dancing foam.
High-ridge bubbles.
The most perfect stage in the world at that time.