

A small boy picked up a baseball, round as the earth. ‘Have a ball,’ someone might have said. A small boy jumped toward the hoop of a basketball rim. Toes coming back to touch the edge of a large ball. Have a ball. He always did. Have it all.

The cinema

And a mystic said, ‘Brains are no place for serious thinking.’ Adherents sat in a crowded cinema – chained to their seats. Some hollered at the screen, as if they were in the movie. Some saw the heaviest and most unbreakable of iron links. Of those, most were convinced a jailer in the movie held …

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Ways through

It was said the only way out is through. It can be a short way or a long way. All the ways through these pages are short. What is revealing itself? The sunrise. The cups overflowing. The animals. The way people are. The dreams. The structures. The rules. The bumpers. The games. The entanglements. The …

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Is the doing deliberate? Does the man have a plan? Or is doing coming through the man via the objective world? When the plan emerges and stops being a man plan, it’s understood that there is no such thing as plan. No missions, no goals; just a smooth emerging.


And these frames, they get jostled. And these pipes, they get clogged. And these recipes and algorithms get troubled and buggy. The mechanism is failing, and we push on with the maintenance and the cleaning and the exercising. Why? For better performance and perhaps for better seeing. Clearer understanding. Which makes it all the more …

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