Joe vs. the Volcano
Cast Away
The Terminal
Ha, ha, ha.
Jaw on floor with the idea that the cast is away.
Never thought about that angle.
So obvious why the space.
The non-notes between the notes in jazz. Duh.
We are alone like Chuck.
We are tricked like Joe and many-faced like DeDe, Angelica, Patricia (Meg Ryan).
And the cast is also away for Joe, drinking orange soda.
We swim in an insane setting.
We face the black hole of death, and we hate it.
What if we stopped hating it?
What world would open up?
What would be behind if the clouds moved along?
Oh terminal with janitor of Brahman.
Viktor is on the set – the creator and god.
No lights, fake lights.
Once he plays his jazz tune, Viktor is hired!
A fireman gives him his job. Hellish fun.
Fake vending, the man without a country. Clutched nuts, music and books go through the X-ray.
“This man has you. Why he need a puzzle?”
Damn you, Tom Hanks! (and Steven Spielberg, and Andrew Niccol, and Sacha Gervasi, and Jeff Nathanson)